Children and youth often are abused in the very locations where they are supposed to feel most safe from harm. This includes school, church, home, or at a recreational activity. Most often, they are abused by people they know.

As a staff member or volunteer who works with young people, it is your responsibility to protect and defend those in your care. Organizations that screen and train everyone who works with children and youth are an essential link in the chain of protection for these young people.

But where do you start? How about with Safe Gatherings? Our system includes:

  • Online application and reference checks
  • 4 levels of background checks
  • Comprehensive online abuse prevention training

Safe Gatherings can give your church, school, or organization the peace of mind it needs to provide the best atmosphere for children to be safe and happy. What could be more important?

Tip: If a child or youth discloses abuse to you, what should you do? First and foremost, listen. Click here for next important steps.