Let’s Get Social … or Not!
Monday, July 23rd, 2018
Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instant Messenger … the social media options are endless and constantly evolving. Not only do children and teenagers have more access to technology than ever before, but also you can bet that many of your staff and volunteers spend a fair amount of time on social media.
Social media can be positive for faith-based organizations, but it can also cause problems. If you use social media as a way to get more members or connect with people, you should keep a few things in mind. It’s impossible to keep up with all the trends, but here are a couple important tips:
Create a policy. No matter what you decide regarding social media and who can post, you need to have it in writing and have all staff and volunteers sign the policy. If they are contributing to social media on behalf of your church or organization, they need to know (and follow) the guidelines.
Get permission. If your staff and volunteers are tweeting, facebooking or blogging about VBS, camp, or other kid-related activities, make sure you have a signed permission from a parent or guardian if you use young people in photos. There may be custody or other issues you are not aware of. Make this permission form a standard part of your first-day enrollment of any event or registration.
Check out the CongregationU course “Social Media and Churches” to learn more about social media and your church or organization, including policies and guidelines.