
Online Training for Your Church

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

This spring, we announced our sister company, CongregationU. Have you had a chance to check it out yet?

CongregationU provides e-learning courses designed specifically for the church environment.

You can educate and train your staff, volunteers, and members on topics such as safe driving, first aid, church marketing, parliamentary procedure, kitchen safety, social media, and more.

Your church can use CongregationU to:

  • Share consistent information throughout your church
  • Unite your congregation through e-learning
  • Train volunteers with convenient online courses
  • Assign courses to clergy, staff, volunteers, or individual members
  • Track training with easy administrative tools

No church is too big or too small! Click here to see our course offerings; our course list is always expanding to fit your needs. Let us know what other courses you’d like to see!