
Safe Gatherings Tip

Monday, April 24th, 2017

If you are the administrator on your Safe Gatherings account, we have two tips for you in this newsletter:

1. Look for a new report in your email. As you have applicants that expire and need to renew their Safe Gatherings approval, you will receive an email with details of which applicants need attention.

2. We’ve added features in the reports that an administrator can run within his or her organization. Previously, the administrator could only see the applicant’s name, date of approval, organization, and approval expiration. Now, administrators can also see who is approved and pending, the applicant’s email address, and phone contact information. This will be very helpful in your communication efforts with applicants.

If you have any question about the administrative side of Safe Gatherings, we are happy to help! Give us a call at 888.241.8258 or email us.