
Stay Positive!

Friday, December 4th, 2015

Do you find that there are weeks when it seems as if there is nothing positive happening in the world? Weeks when the news, social media, and the headlines are filled hourly with updates about extremely terrible situations?

This week’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., coupled with other natural disasters, violence, and abuse happening all over the world, made it a difficult week to stay above water in the “positivity” department.

Whether or not this felt like that kind of week for you, we at Safe Gatherings want to encourage you to stay positive in hard times. Take a minute to:

  • Hug your loved ones.
  • Reach out to someone.
  • Give to charity.
  • Take a walk.
  • Do something nice for someone.
  • Take a healthy break from social media.
  • Say yes.

We bet you’ll be glad you did.