
What would you do? – Summer 2022

Monday, July 25th, 2022

You are working in the youth area at your church and a parent asks to see your policy about overnight trips. You are new to working with youth, and you have no idea. What do you do?

If you are not aware of the policy, definitely let the parent know you will find the answer for them. It is important they feel comfortable leaving their child or youth in your department’s care. Now it is time to find an answer.

Although it is fair to say that everyone should be aware of abuse prevention policies at your church, it is a common problem in churches—the lack of a policy. Even though you did not know the answer, it is a good thing that this parent brought to your attention. If your church has a policy, you should have been made aware of it before your volunteer service began. And if your church does not have a policy, this is a great way to start the conversation.

Bottom line: all churches and organizations should have an abuse prevention policy that contains information about overnight trips, and all parents, volunteers, staff and youth should be made aware of the policy before they start work, service, or participation.