Go Ahead: Make My Day!
It’s been a difficult couple of years for most people. Covid-19 has been at the forefront of everyone’s mind, whether it’s been an illness or death among family and friends, an uncertain work situation or the general sense of unrest. In challenging times, kindness makes a difference. Here are 5 ways you can make someone else’s day—and receive that joy back tenfold.

What Would You Do?
You are the office manager at a small church. Because you are at a small church, you wear many hats and also fill in for the children’s ministry, including helping in the classrooms periodically.

You’ve heard the term “mandatory reporter,” but you don’t know whether it applies to you.

Admin Tip
Want to know who is Safe Gatherings approved or their status in the process? Need to know who is pending and needs to provide a new reference? All you have to do is log in, and the information is right at your fingertips. Click below to find out how reports can help you in your important role as a Safe Gatherings administrator.  

New Product Coming Soon!
Safe Gatherings is very excited to announce a new offering for churches and organizations: Policy Builder. Create, store and manage your policies all in one place. Contact us to learn more!

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”—Martin Luther King Jr.